Laudato Si and Wildlife Conservation Interview at Radio Tumaini
On June 7, the Catholic Youth Network for Environmental Sustainability in Africa (CYNESA) engaged the Coastal community of Kenya on issues of human-wildlife conflict from a Laudato Si perspective through a radio program hosted by Rebecca Makeo at Radio Tumaini in Voi, Kenya. Radio Tumaini is an initiative of Lwanga…

Loyola CYNESA Hosts Wildlife Conservation Workshop
‘Young people engaging in wildlife conservation today for a better tomorrow’, was the rallying call at a workshop that CYNESA hosted for students of Loyola High School in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The workshop’s main aim was to facilitate interaction with the youth on their role in wildlife conservation in…

First Days at the World Wildlife Conference
Long days, plenty of meetings to attend and many documents to read – is how the CYNESA delegation at the 17th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES CoP17). This meeting also referred to as the World Wildlife…