Multi-faith Women Leaders Advocacy Training

The Multi-Faith Women Leaders’ Advocacy Training On Proper Waste Management In Mombasa County-Kenya.

CYNESA held a training workshop on proper waste management between July 1st and July 2nd, 2017, at the Reef Hotel in Mombasa. The training brought together about forty women leaders drawn from different faiths including Christians, Muslims and Brahma Kumaris. A number of speakers facilitated sessions covering different aspects of…

CYNESA Leads Africa into an Ecological Conversion: #UnbottleMyEvent

The Catholic Youth Network for Environmental Sustainability in Africa (CYNESA), supported by the Global Greengrants Fund, brought together 40 women faith leaders from diverse faiths and backgrounds to a two-day advocacy training on proper waste management and disposal. Besides being an opportunity to sensitise, create awareness and educate the multi-faith women leaders in Mombasa…

Fr. Laurien SJ - Cleaning bukavu

On the Feast Day of St. Ignatius, CYNESA Honours Our “Eco-Jesuits”

What better day to acknowledge the role of “Eco-Jesuits”, in our CYNESA story, than on the Feast Day of St. Ignatius of Loyola! A few years ago, in 2012 to be specific, a group of young Catholics were thinking about setting up a platform, through which they could learn more about Catholic…

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